When should you consider setting up on your own?

  Published: 5th July 2022

Making the life-changing decision to step away from employment and into business ownership can be daunting; however, the benefits that come with setting up on your own often far outweigh any negatives.

Here at Zodeq, we find that many of our start-up clients have spent countless years wanting to establish their own business but were never quite sure of when until taking that all-important leap.

So, how will you know when the right time to make the jump?


Seeking more flexibility and control

COVID provided insight to many people on the benefits that working flexibly and under your own volition had tremendous benefits on your work life balance. Now with the world returning to normality, many are continuing to seek this control within their own careers and setting up their own business is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.

A thriving market

Of course, if the market in which you operate is in a state of downturn, then it would not be advised to establish your own business. However, post-COVID we are seeing many industries thriving, notably the recruitment industry which has been consistently breaking records in recent months. Climates such as this make it the ideal time to go your own way and capitalise on the opportunities available.

 Access to the right contacts and partners

A strong network of contacts is a crucial component for any business owner, particularly when you are starting out. These contacts and partners will provide advice, support or even services as you get started. Therefore, prior to setting up your own business, ensure you not only have this network, but are aware of financial and back-office support partners who can guide you along the way.

Our best advice? Simply take the leap

The saying goes, there’s no time like the present, and that is often the case when it comes to setting up your own business. There will almost certainly never be a ‘perfect’ time to take the leap, but if you know your market, you have the right network and you are motivated to gain more flexibility in your working life, then now is most certainly the time.

Are you considering setting up your own business? Speak to the Zodeq team to find out more on how we can support you. Email [email protected] or call 01244 617 087.